Using FamilySearch to find Specht/Deissler Ancestors 26 May 2020

FamilySearch is entirely free. It requires you to create a log-in, but the info can be saved, so that, when you connect subsequently, you will be automatically logged-in. With FamilySearch you don’t maintain your own individual tree; you’re contributing to one big World tree.

Once you have a login, go to, click on "Family Tree" {which you will find either on the top bar at the left or in the dropdown which you get when you click on the three horizontal bars on the far right (if they're there)}.

Then in the "Family Tree" dropdown, select "Find".

In the "Deceased Ancestor Name" box which appears, for Specht ancestors, enter in: "Theodore Richard" for "First Names", and "Specht" for the last name. Your father (/grandfather) should be the first result. Left-click on the link. Then left-click on "Tree" in the lower-left corner of the card which pops up, and you should see the Specht/Murphy family tree.

Or, alternatively:

"James Edward" for "First Names", and "Specht" for the last name.

"Walter Albert" for "First Names", and "Specht" for the last name.

For Deissler ancestors:

In the "Deceased Ancestor Name" box which appears, enter in:

"Dorothy Elizabeth" for "First Names", and "Deissler" for the last name.

Or, alternatively:

"Robert George" for "First Names", and "Deissler" for the last name.

Left-click on the link in the first result. Then left-click on "Tree" in the lower-left corner of the card which pops up, and you should see the Deissler/Fisher family tree.