Obituary of Johanna Baker Specht, from the June 3, 1904, Dubuque Telegraph-Herald :
Mrs. Specht of Specht's Ferry, passes away -- she was a resident of this city in 1838.
The news was announced in the city this morning of the death of Mrs. Hannah Specht, one of the oldest residents of this county. She died at six o'clock Thursday evening at her home at Specht's Ferry. The deceased woman was born at Sarstett*, Germany, in 1814. On the 8th of last April she celebrated her nintieth birthday. When a young girl she came to this country and entered the service for a time of President Van Buren. In 1834 she came to Galena, removing to Dubuque two years later. The last fifty years of her life were passed in Specht's Ferry. Her marriage with John Specht occurred in Galena in 1835. Her husband built the first frame house in Dubuque. Seven children blessed their union, of whom five are now living. The are John, Henry, Edward, and Miss Caroline of this vicinity, and Mrs. Mary Allen of Austin, Minn. The deceased woman was a perfect example of the finest type of German immigrant, a devoted mother and a loving wife. Her character was above reproach.
The funeral will be held Sunday morning, from Specht's Ferry to Sherrill's Mound. Rev. Bush will officiate.
[* Note from Jerry Specht, August 3, 2003: I believe this is the same as the current Sarstedt, which is southeast of Hanover, about half way to Hildesheim. ]