Obituary of Edward Specht, from the Friday, May 21, 1920, Dubuque Telegraph-Herald:

OLDEST RESIDENT OF COUNTY DEAD: Edward Specht, born in Dubuque 83 years ago, dies at Rockwell.

Father built first house here, operated ferry between here and Potosi and founded town of Specht's Ferry.

Friends in this city will learn with deep regret of the death of Edward Specht, one of the oldest persons in Dubuque County, who passed away at Rockwell, Ia. Sunday, May 9. He was born in this city, December 26, eighty-three years ago.

His father built the first frame house in Dubuque, where he and his family lived for several years after which they moved ten miles north on land secured by buying up soldiers' script. It was here thta Mr. Specht experienced real pioneer life. There being no schools in the contry, his father hired teachers whenever possible to instruct his children throughout their youth.

In 1851 his father bought a ferry which Mr. Specht helped to run between Potosi, Wis., and their new home which has ever since been called "Specht's Ferry".

On March 16, 1864, he was married to Louise C. Felthouse and moved to Red Wing, Minn., where he operated his own ferry across the Mississippi river for several years. His father having then died the estate was divided and Mr. Specht settled on the old home farm; where he lived for thirty-two years.

In 1899 he moved with his family to Rockwell, Iowa, where he resided until his death.

He was a consistent member of the Congregational church. Though deprived of education he realized the importance of an education and was a staunch supporter of the public school.

Mr. Specht's life was always a testimony in behalf of a clean upright character, although his manner was quiet and unassuming.

Few men go to their reward with as pure a heart as Mr. Specht.

He leaves a wife and five children, Mrs. Emma Ott, Preston, Minn;; F. H. Specht, Springfield, Minn.; A. V. Specht, Felton, Minn.; Mrs. Laura Specht Price, Minneapolis, Minn.; and Ida Louise Specht, San Francisco, Calif. He is also survived by a sister, Mrs. G. H. Allen, of Austin, Minn. and a brother, Henry Specht, of Potosi, Wis., all of whom were present at the funeral, excepting Miss Ida Louise Specht and Henry Specht. He is also survived by thirteen grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Congregational church conducted by Rev. Anderson. Interment was made in the Rockwell cemetary.